Indocement officially launched Quarry Life Award 2014

Palimanan, November 6th 2013. The event was opened by Budiono Hendranata, General Manager Operation Indocement Palimanan Unit – Cirebon, and followed by the acknowledgement from Cirebon Regent, Drs H Dedi Supardi, MM. The Director of Engineering, Hasan Imer, and the Director of Human Resources, Kuky Permana also attended this event together with The Quarry Life Award Global coordinator, Mrs Amy Wedel.

Over 270 attendees came from the Ministry of Environment, BPLHD of West Java Province, BLHD of Cirebon Regency, NGOs, Nature & Environmental Observer, Institute of TNGC, researchers, college students and students who came from Java and Sumatera. Quarry Life Award 2014 & Quarry Open Day 2013 was closed with a visit to the mining area in the Indocement Palimanan Unit – Cirebon.

On this occasion, a ceremonial handover and signing by the Cirebon Regent on Biodiversity Conservation Area Mount Blindis (Mount Picung) of 50 Ha and Surface Water Conservation Area of 20 Ha was also organised. These two areas are set aside for conservation and can serve as a perfect pilot study areas for Quarry Life Award projects.

Additional presentations were made starting with the QLA Global Coordinator, Mrs. Amy Wedel, who gave an insight on HeidebergCement Group and its Ambitions for 2020. The Head of Mining Engineering Indocement Palimanan – Cirebon, Ir Purwoto, followed with a presentation on mining process and quarry environments. The event finished on a last presentation by the Faculty of Forestry IPB staff researcher, Dr. Ir Agus Priyono Kartono, Msi., associated with the results of earlier studies about biodiversity in Indocement Palimanan Unit – Cirebon.

For further information, please contact:
Budiono Hendranata - General Manager Operation Palimanan Unit – Cirebon
Anita Kusumawardhani - General Affairs Department Head Palimanan Unit – Cirebon
PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. Pabrik Palimanan – Cirebon
Email :
PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk.
Wisma Indocement lantai 8 – Jakarta 12910
Telephone : 021 - 2512121