Animation and interactivity of the Loën and Romont quarries
Education Environnement asbl wishes to set up an original teaching project to bring the educational trails of the Loën and Romont quarries to life. More specifically, the project has two components:
- Train a team of Quarry Guides capable of leading different audiences on the two educational trails. The training programme will develop a comprehensive approach to the quarries: their specific biodiversity, their own social and cultural environment, their technological specificity, and their integration into the local and global economic and industrial fabric. Some instructional reminders and safety aspects will be integrated into the training. In a second phase, Education Environnement will lead the pool of guides during the first few years in order to develop the visits on the two educational trails.- In order to reinforce the educational aspect of the two trails, we would like to set up QR Code tags at different points of interest of the trails. This proposal aims (i) to reinforce the existing explanatory signs with additional information, (ii) to develop interactive tools (access to quizzes, video clips, challenges, etc.), (iii) to provide an original platform, in keeping with the times and adapted to different audiences.These two actions aim to provide quality communication about the two quarries and the issues related to them, particularly in terms of biodiversity.