Bridge Inn Road, 3750 Wollert
Quarry Life Award 2021

Growling Grass Frog Habitat Assessment and Restoration

The Darebin Creek Management Committee (DCMC) will lead a collaborative project monitoring endangered Growling Grass Frogs (GGF) and restoring their habitat in the Wollert Quarry site and the surrounding Darebin Creek Valley.

Community citizen scientists will be engaged in monitoring GGF populations and assessing wetland habitat condition in the Darebin Creek Valley.

DCMC will analyse citizen science collected, historical population data and habitat condition records to determine priority habitat restoration and/or creation actions.

These proposed actions will underpin a DCMC funding proposal to implement wetland habitat enhancement and/or creation.

The highly collaborative project will involve the local community including the Friends of Darebin Creek (FoDC), the Traditional Owners, Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung (WWCHAC) the Hanson Quarry and stakeholders including the City of Whittlesea (COW), Melbourne Water (MW) and the Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning (DELWP) on a Darebin Creek Valley Growling Grass Frogs (GGF)conservation project.