North America
Lincoln, North, Illinois
Quarry Life Award 2014

Quarry Grassland/Wetland Conservation Restoration for the Benefit of Wildlife in Relation to Biomass Creation on reclaimed acres.

Lincoln Quarry Prairie/Wetland Conservation Restoration for the benefit of Wildlife and its subsequent creation of Biomass improvement on reclaimed soils is a plan that will establish or improve on habitat environments such as "hill prairie", "wetland prairie" and hardwood trees. These environments provide all the essentials for wildlife including whitetail deer, pheasants, bobwhite quail, puddle ducks, canada geese, rabbit, squirrel, turkey, the USFW endangered species Indiana Bat, Illinois endangered Southeastern Bat, and Logan County native - Northern Long-Eared Myotis. Improvements in the populations of trees such as Swamp White Oak, Bur Oak, Shagbark Hickory, Shellbark Hickory and shrubs such as (but not limited to) Dogwoods, Hazelnut, Persimmon, Native Plum plus Pollinator-butterfly and various forbes mixes blooming in three seasons will not only add value but assist thousands of song birds and insects. The Hill Prairie and Wetland PLS mixes will not only provide the benefits to wildlife and an Aesthetically Pleasing Environment for the region but we believe will show the additional conclusion of improved overall soil fertility, quality and organic matter.