Study of the impacts of management and various disturbances on the development of calcareous grassland and associated rare species
Quarries are known for the recolonization that occurs when left untouched. Various processes (biological, physical and chemical) take place to create a succession of environments with very specific characteristics. These environments provide a habitat for many organisms adapted to these lifestyles. To preserve these environments and ensure the viability of these specialized but uncommon organisms, a management is needed.
Many factors intervene during a recolonization and a management, each factor influencing the environment in its own way and allowing it to evolve differently.
The project consist in the theoretical study of the impacts that various disturbances (such as invasive species, human actions,..) and/or management (such as grazing, mowing, conservation,..) could have on the calcareous grasslands of the quarry of Loën but also the impact that these changes in the environment may have on populations of rare species related to this kind of environment (mainly butterflies and solitary bees).
The considered scenarios will focus on the long term.
The ultimate goal is to select, among all the possibilities that will be considered, the best management to maximize the likelihood that the various species studied settle and persist on the limestone grasslands of the quarry despite the various disturbances that may occur.