Wine is life
We propose to use the Beez quarry as a model for biodiversity integration into human activities. Quarries are well-known for their sheltering potential of xero-thermophilous (dry and warm) species and habitats. This is especially true for the Beez quarry, located in the Meuse valley, one of the Belgian hotspot for these species and habitats. However, not all areas in the Beez quarry have the same potential for biodiversity conservation. On one hand, we propose to identify zones that are the most suitable for preservation of xero-thermophilous habitats and species (face rocks, screes, calcareous grasslands, etc.). There, best management options for their restoration, conservation and promotion will be suggested. On the other hand, our idea is to create a high ecological value vineyard within areas with lower biodiversity interest.
Recently, viticulture has known important development in Wallonia, notably due to the creation of an “Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée (AOC Côtes de Sambre et Meuse)”. Given their microclimatic and soil conditions, quarries are potential hosting areas for vineyards in Belgium. Through appropriate management (stone walls and terraces creation, flowered interlines maintenance, etc.), we argue that vineyards can provide suitable ecological conditions for species from dry and warm habitats, and serve as a model of integration between biodiversity protection and human activity.